And it’s great to have all these readers and fans who, for the most part, are very nice people, saying they love the books and the TV show. But there are so many of them and it just doesn’t end. Oh, and ‘selfies’! If I could clap my hands and burn out every camera phone in the world, I swear I’d do it! George R.r. Martin
Some Similar Quotes
  1. Damn you, spoilt creature; I shan’t make you love me any the more by giving myself away like this. - Vita Sackvillewest

  2. When male authors write love stories, the heroine tends to end up dead. - Susan Elizabeth Phillips

  3. I remember when your name was just another name that rolled without thought off my tongue. Now, I can’t look at your name without an abundance of sentiment attached to each lettter. Your name, which I played with so carelessly, so easily, has somehow become... - Coco J. Ginger

  4. When Great Trees FallWhen great trees fall, rocks on distant hills shudder, lions hunker downin tall grasses, and even elephantslumber after safety. When great trees fallin forests, small things recoil into silence, their senseseroded beyond fear. When great souls die, the air around us becomeslight,... - Maya Angelou

  5. I do not love men: I love what devours them. - Unknown

More Quotes By George R.r. Martin
  1. The things we love destroy us every time, lad. Remember that.

  2. I crossed a thousand leagues to come to you, and lost the best part of me along the way. Don't tell me to leave.

  3. I take no joy in mead nor meat, and song and laughter have become suspicious strangers to me. I am a creature of grief and dust and bitter longings. There is an empty place within me where my heart was once.

  4. How can you still count yourself a knight, when you have forsaken every vow you ever swore?" Jaime reached for the flagon to refill his cup. "So many vows..they make you swear and swear. Defend the king. Obey the king. <span style="margin:15px; display:block"></span>Keep his secrets....

  5. I know I want you, " he heard himself say, all his vows and his honor all forgotten. She stood before him naked as her name day, and he was as hard as the rock around them. He had been in her half a hundred...

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